By Rabbi Yaakov Raskin
Chief Rabbi, Chabad of Jamaica


THERE IS nothing more sacred than human life. Nothing more beautiful and uplifting than seeing humankind interacting with love and living in harmony. So, when the US State Department recently issued a travel advisory, warning its citizens to reconsider travelling to Jamaica after 65 people were killed in just the first four weeks of 2024, I was deeply pained.

This recent string of murders is part of a larger issue of violent crime, with the State Department reporting that Jamaica has had one of the Western Hemisphere’s highest homicide rates for the past several years.

But something doesn’t add up. Jamaica is a friendly, beautiful country with a vibrant culture and globally recognised cuisine. How is it that our reputation does not reflect this? We deserve to live in a country that morally reflects the natural beauty of our stunning landscape. One which represents a place of peace, safety, and prosperity for all. Not criminality and chaos. But, given the distressing picture of Jamaica today, what can be done.

Following the story of creation, the book of Genesis recounts that “The earth became corrupt before G‑d; the earth was filled with lawlessness.” G‑d then said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to all flesh, for the earth is filled with lawlessness because of them: I am about to destroy them with the earth.” (6:11-13)

G‑d then sent a flood to the land, essentially pressing the refresh button on humanity. Following the flood, in the hope that there would not be a repeat of this episode, Jewish tradition teaches that G‑d gave a clear prescription for fostering harmonious and well-functioning societies, through focusing on the inherent goodness in the human condition.

They are called the Seven Noahide Laws and are named for Noah, who stood alone as a righteous man in a world sunken in lawlessness and immorality. As the sole survivor – with his family – of the flood, Noah is the ancestor of all humanity, and therefore these laws are equally applicable to all his descendants.