By Rabbi Yaakov Raskin
Chief Rabbi, Chabad of Jamaica


In the realm of athletics, few names are as famous as Usain Bolt. Simply mentioning his name conjures up images of electrifying speed, unparalleled talent, and a string of Olympic gold medals and shattered world records.

In 2012, following his first-place finish in the London Olympic 200-metre final, Bolt took to social media to offer thanks – not to his trainers or supporters – but to a higher power. He tweeted “I want to thank G‑d for everything he has done for me cause without him none of this would be possible.”

At first glance, this simple expression of gratitude in the wake of victory may seem like a formality that all athletes have to do. However, upon deeper inspection, his statement contains a profound and enduring truth – one which I reflect upon often – which is acknowledging the role of a higher power in human affairs.

As mentioned in my previous article, there are seven universal human principles known as the Seven Noahide Laws which set the foundation for joyful and fulfilled living. These laws place principles like respect, gratitude, selflessness, and justice at the forefront of our consciousness. One of these laws is “to acknowledge that there is a single G‑d who cares about what we are doing and desires that we take care of His world.”

This message abounds throughout the Bible. In Psalm 23, King David writes “G‑d is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” In the Song of the Sea, Moses and the Israelites sing “The Lord is my strength and He is my salvation”.

When we give gratitude to G‑d, we are acknowledging the foundation upon which all else is built. When a house is constructed, it can be the most beautiful and well built structure, but if it lacks a solid foundation, it will crumble in short order.

When we acknowledge the role of the Divine in our day to day life, we give gratitude to the source and open up our lives for more blessings. Just like when our children say thank you, we’re inclined to give them more, G‑d acts in the same way.